Get Involved

How you can help

There is a number of ways to get involved, to help us continue our mission of closing the educational attainment gap that exists in the UK. Whether you are an individual, who simply wants to help out, or a Church leader, who wants to support Aspire monthly as we serve in Schools in your local area, we are greatly appreciative of considering supporting Aspire.

Below are a number of ways you can kick off your support of Aspire.

One-off Donation

Any financial support is greatly appreciated. If you prefer to give as a one-off donation instead of giving monthly you can do that here.

One-off donations are super important to the growth of Aspire, it allows us to put capital towards future projects and also ensure we have enough funds to serve the young people we work with as best as we possibly can.

Also if you are a tax payer, we can claim gift-aid which means your giving is boosted by 25%!

If you have any questions before you donate, you can contact us through the button below.

Contact Us

Standing Order

If you would prefer to setup a standing order directly from your bank account instead.
You can do that using the details below. If you do setup a standing order, please connect
with us using the button below, we would love to be able to keep in touch with you and keep
you updated on the work of Aspire.

Account Name: Aspire NI

Account Number: 20098186

Account Sort Code: 93-81-14


As we work with over 350 young people on a weekly basis.
Volunteers are vital to ensuring the Aspire programme runs efficiently every week.

If you cant commit to volunteering every week but would still like to get involved we would still love to hear from you and discuss in what capacity you can help.

Apply by clicking the relevant option below.

We need volunteers in the following areas:

Aspire Session Facilitator:
Paired reading, assisting with homework,
preparing refreshments.

Once a week

Aspire Tutor:
One to one tuition with a young person,
4 x 1 hour sessions.

When required - once a week for a month

Host or take part in a fundraiser

If you or anyone in your team would like to take part in a fundraiser for the benefit of Aspire NI, please contact us, we would love to help and share any information that would be helpful as you raise money prior and during the fundraiser.

If you would like to host a fundraiser for the benefit of Aspire, please reach out we would love to be involved in helping you set up the event, we can have people from our team attend the event and provide you with any information that would be helpful to ensure you have a great fundraiser. In previous years people have hosted fitness events, table quizzes, running races and completed various feats of physical fitness such as cycling the length of Ireland or completing Marathons or Ultra Marathon's.

Contact Us

Become a Volunteer